Mom Life

Finding balance in the morning

One of my goals this year was to find some type of balance with our morning routine. I have always been a morning person and someone that thrives on a good routine. However, in motherhood we learn to go with the flow and that every day is unpredictable. This year I changed up a few things that have helped us navigate our busy schedules. These were all simple and easy changes that have made a big difference. Remember, its ok to start small and add as you go. You don’t have to make a complete life change at once.

Waking up earlier

This has been a game-changer for me when it comes to fitting my work out in and getting organized for the day. We are in a stage where our toddler wakes up at different times every morning so I quickly realized if I didn’t give myself that extra hour or two in the morning our whole day was off. I love having those quiet moments before anyone wakes up to work out, meditate, get lunches packed and have a little me time. The days I’m able to pull this off are always more balanced and less stressful. I also find that getting some type of exercise in the morning (even 15min) gives me more energy throughout the day.

During those quiet moments, I also like to take time to set my mind for a positive day. I found this great Positive Thinking book on Amazon and I’ve been reading one a day. Each page is a short quote that you can quickly read (even on busy mornings) to give yourself some positive affirmation in the morning.

For exercise, I typically do cardio in the morning with some light weights but I love to implement a quick youtube yoga class when I have time. One of my favorites is this 30 day series by Yoga with Adriene. I love her positive energy and her classes are great for any level of yoga experience.

Eating a healthy breakfast

We are ALWAYS on the go and I started getting in the habit of grabbing a quick breakfast at Starbucks (the bacon gouda sandwich gives me life) or Dunkin Doughnuts. Yes, both of those places have healthy options, but there are also a lot of temptations. I always find that my mornings start better if I drink a full glass of water upon waking up (usually adding in some lemon) and have a protein shake to start. My favorite protein shake is the Thrive lifestyle mix. It’s packed by protein, vitamins, probiotics and I love the way it tastes. This normally keeps me full until a mid-morning snack and sets me up to make better choices for the rest of the day.

Packing lunches the night before

This one is a gamechanger. Having lunches ready to go in the morning not only saves time but also lets me be more creative with what I’m adding to the lunches. I love this Yumbox lunchbox because it keeps everything separated and fresh in the fridge overnight. Another great option is this leak-proof Bento Box. This is perfect for lunches that have something that needs to be heated because you can easily separate each section.

Create Lists

I have always been the type of person that tries to remember everything but I quickly realized as our lives got busier that I need to start writing things down. I love to do this in the morning but it can also be done before bed. I find that it’s a huge stress reliever knowing I know exactly what needs to be done tomorrow. I label each item on the list with a little blank box and fill in the boxes as I complete each item.

Having outfits ready to go

Ok, I have to admit this is one of those items I am still working on. Remember, I said you don’t have to do everything at once haha. On the days I do this everything runs more smoothly in the morning. Not having to stress about what everyone is going to wear in the morning is a huge relief but honestly I just normally forget or don’t have time before bed. This is something I’ll be working on.

Listen to fun energizing music

Not sure this would be labeled in the “find balance” category but it is a fun way to start your day. I love to crank up the jams in the morning and in the car on the way to drop off and work. Listening to some good music to start your day can really shift your mindset. I also love listening to podcasts when I have long drives but sometimes mama just needs to jam out :).

-Stella xoxo

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