Toddler Room Update
I’m excited to share the new updates to Haven’s “big girl ” room with you all! We have been slowly working on it since she started climbing out of her crib when she turned two. Step 1 was to figure out what would work for her because like most things in parenting its all about trial and error. Her crib converted into a toddler bed so we tried that route first. The first couple of nights went okay but we quickly realized she needed more room to move around. She changes positions a TON when she sleeps and it would wake her up when she didn’t have enough room to move.
We decided to move our guest room mattress into her room on the floor to hold us over until we figured out plan B but it ended up working perfectly for us. I originally thought the bed would be too big but it was the perfect adjustment for her and it allowed us to be able to lay next to her while she falls asleep versus on the floor (like we were doing). Once we had the bed situation figured out, we started looking at floor bed options to dress it up a bit and found the perfect house bed on Etsy! We decided to keep her same dresser and added some fun details to her walls. I found cute flower stencils from Michael’s that I used to make a statement wall by her bed. It was a really easy process and really made the room pop. Check out more of our toddler room favorites below.
-Stella xoxo
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