Baby Product Guide
When it comes to baby products, I always turn to my mama friends for advice and suggestions so I’m excited to share with you all a few products that have worked best for us. We reused a lot from our first pregnancy but I also found a few new things this year that have been game-changers with our second daughter. These are products that worked for us but remember it’s really trial and error when it comes to finding what will work best for your baby. A product that worked for us may not be the best for your little one but hopefully this can be a guide to start with.
Comfy Nursing Outfits
This is definitely something you’ll want to make sure you invest in or add to your registry. I pretty much lived in these nursing tops and outfits. You can also use a tank or top that you can easily pull up, down, or unbutton but just make sure they are comfortable for you and baby.
Baby Loungers
We actually have three of these Boppy loungers because we use them so much! They are the best because it’s great for lounging but you can also use them as a nursing pillow/prop!
Diaper Bag
I personally like to use backpacks for my diaper bags. It’s way easier for me to swing my backpack on quickly and be able to have my hands free for the million other things we carry around. Diaper bags can get really heavy with everything you have to pack so having a backpack versus a tote is a way better option for your back in my opinion.
Bath Time
We used this flower sink bath when both girls first got home from the hospital but moved to this standard baby tub pretty soon after the umbilical cord fell off. The sink baths are really convenient if you have a good size sink but our is pretty narrow so it made more sense to use a traditional baby tub. Once you’re ready to transition to the small tub, you’ll want to make sure that tub has a little prop to keep baby angled up during bath time. I also love this rubber ducky that also checks the water temp. Extra soft washcloths are also really great to have around for bath time too!
Night Time
This sound machine is definitely one of our most used baby items. Once our first daughter got a little older we transitioned her to one with a night light but we got a solid 2 years out of this baby and we are now using the same one with our new little one. When it comes to baby monitors, I personally love this simple one from Hello Baby. It’s a really great affordable option that works really well! We also love to use the Owlette at night for peace of mind!
One of the main things I had to buy after each baby was born were items that helped with nursing or pumping (things they don’t always tell you about that weren’t on my registry). I found these great pumping bras on amazon that I would wear daily. It was easier to have that bra on so I could quickly attach everything to pump as needed (they are also really comfortable). You will also want to invest in a good pump. I like to have a standard pump ( I used the Motif Luna and LOVED IT) and a portable one for pumping on the go (I use the Elvie). The Haakaa pump is also a must have for catching all that extra let down while nursing. You can save SO much milk by using this!
When finding a bottle that will work best for your baby its 100% trial and error. We have tried out SO many bottles with both babies and our favorite ones are definitely anything from the MAM brand and recently our second daughter loves the bottles from Minbie. Our daughters didn’t take pacifiers but I have heard that MAM has a great pacifier and the Phillips Soother is another great option.
Rock & Play
Both of our babies loved this rock and play by Fischer Price. There are a lot of different swing/rockers out there but in our experience, you don’t need something super fancy or expensive. Fischer Price is always are go to because it’s affordable and our daughters always love their products.
Bottle Heating/Cleaning
I love this bottle warmer from Amazon. It’s so easy to use and works really well! I use this bottle sterilizer multiple times a day. It’s also really easy to use and gives me peace of mind our bottles are super clean for the girls.
Car Seat Cover
I have a few of these car seat covers that we use when we are on the go or taking walks. I like that its light weight/breathable and also has that little window to check on baby.
Nail Trimming
This nail trimmer was a suggestion from a fellow mom and definitely one of our favorite items. It makes trimming those baby nails SO easy and is really simple to use!
Finding a solid swaddle is definitely a must have. You’ll want to try a few different ones until you figure out what works best for you and your baby. We personally always used the hospital swaddles to start and then soon after coming home from the hospital switched to a Halo swaddle. With our first daughter the Halo’s worked great and we continued to use those but with our second daughter we ended up using these swaddles from Love to Dream because she slept better with her arms up by her face. Again, it may take a few tries to figure out the best one but these worked for us.
You may also want to check out: Amazon Pregnancy Favorites
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-Stella xoxo