Reading fun with Fiona Books
Reading is definitely a top priority in our home and we love to find new books to add to our collection. I have learned that successful reading with our toddler is all about making it fun and finding books that interest her. The Fiona books series has quickly become a new favorite with my 3-year-old daughter Haven. We love that all of the books have beautiful messages tied into them around determination, never giving up (Haven’s favorite slogan is Girls Never Give Up), helping friends to feel better, laughing, kindness, and accepting each other differences. Each book is written in a way that keeps toddlers and kids engaged in a fun way while also providing eye cashing illustrations. Richard Cowdrey the illustrator of Fiona books is also the illustrator behind Marley (the mischievous Labrador retriever) as well as the Legend books (Legend of the Candy Cane, Legend of the Easter Egg, etc.)
Backstory on Fiona
Fiona is a real live hippo that lives in the Cincinnati zoo that was born prematurely and not expected to live. She showed determination and spunk and pushed past her limitations to become a happy and healthy hippo! The Fiona collection started out with “Fiona the Hippo” and now she has so many other adventures to share in her books A Very Fiona Christmas, Fiona, It’s Bedtime (our personal favorite) and Fiona Helps A Friend. Haven loves these books because they are so relatable and it’s easy for us to use their storylines to relate to our everyday lives.

The Fiona book collection also expanded into an I Can Read set that focuses on helping kids on their reading journey. All of these books are level one and are great options for kids between kindergarten and 2nd grade. They are also great family reading books as well. We love to use them to practice identifying letters and words. Haven likes to tell her own stories as well by pointing out the different illustrations. The best part is we can keep reading fun which is the most important thing for us on our reading journey. Check our Fiona Books and follow this link to their website to download a ton of fun freebies they offer!
Check out the Fiona Book collection: www.fionathehippobook.com
“This post is sponsored by Zonderkidz. As always, all opinions are my own.”