Third Trimester Update
Hello third trimester! This pregnancy has definitely been one for the books with everything going on in the world right now but I am so thankful that everything has been healthy/routine from the pregnancy’s perspective. My second trimester felt like it flew by and I know these last two months will do the same. I am trying to soak up all the feels and enjoy these last couple weeks of what could be my last pregnancy but I would be lying if I didn’t say I am ready for our baby girl to be here.
So far my symptoms have been all over the place but nothing too extreme. I had a huge energy burst in the 2nd trimester but that has been slowing down. I definitely have to take time to rest more and not overdo it trying to do a million things at once (which is my norm). I’ve managed to stay pretty active this pregnancy which I plan on continuing just taking it down a notch. Thankfully, my nausea hasn’t returned and the only new random symptom that has come up is VERY dry eyes. I have been using eye drops a couple of times a day and that seems to help a lot. I did have a week or two with mild headaches but my doctor put me on magnesium and its been helping SO much!
I’ve actually been sleeping really well outside of the normal pregnancy potty trips. There will be days where I can’t fall asleep right away or wake up super early but for the most part, I feel thankful to be able to get some rest before baby #2 arrives. I definitely think my sleep improved once I started taking the magnesium and having a ton of pillows to support you on both sides helps as well. I started out with the huge pregnancy pillows but ended up switching to normal body pillows recently. The pregnancy pillows work great but living in FL it was just too bulky and hot for me.
I think we all have been through a roller coaster of emotions here in 2020 but add in those pregnancy hormones and I’m sure you can imagine where my head’s been at. I have been focusing every day on keeping my mind positive and not worrying about things outside of my control. It definitely takes work but it’s so important to keep stress levels down. When I have downtime I try to spend it focused on things that help maintain that positive mindset or just enjoy some mindless reality tv for fun. It’s also been so weird thinking about Haven not being the only one in a couple of months, but she is so excited for the baby to arrive and practices taking care of “baby Hazel” every day. I know everything will feel complete as soon as she arrives and we can see our sweet girls together.

Pregnancy Favorites:
Below, are a few of my go-to items I’ve used this pregnancy. Thanks so much for following along.
~Stella xoxo
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